

Providing insightful and relevant content for articles, stories, manuscripts, websites, brochures, newsletters, blog entries, social media posts, presentations, speeches, advertising campaigns and organizational messaging. Susan has a proven reputation for successful specialty writing projects as well, including collaborating on memoirs, ghostwriting and obituary/eulogy writing.


Editing & Proofreading

Comprehensive, professional editing and proofreading services help turn good or merely so-so content into great, compelling final products. Susan’s approach includes an emphasis on tone, relevance, consistency, accuracy, readability and attention to detail.


Media/Community Outreach

Offering public relations services that help establish clients as leaders in their field and enhance an organization’s visibility and image. Susan will create story angles and pitch the ideas to media outlets, both print and online, to help bring community awareness of issues and to communicate clients’ messaging.


Grant Writing

Offering a proven track record of successful grant writing, resulting in revenue streams that help organizations meet or exceed funding goals. Services include timeline tracking of projects and final reporting.


Crisis Communication

Protecting an organization’s reputation through crisis communication content and strategies that are developed and implemented on a timely basis during an emergency or unexpected event.

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